Studia botanica hungarica

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2020-2023 volumes: 54, 53, 52, 51
2010-2019 volumes: 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41
2000-2009 volumes: 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32
1990-1999-2000 volumes: 30-31, 29, 27-28, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22
1980-1989 volumes: 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14
1973-1979 volumes: 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8

year: 2019; volume: 50; issue: 1; published in 30.06.2019

Szurdoki, E. 2019: Celebrating the 50th volume of Studia botanica hungarica. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(1): 5-8.

Hably, L., Erdei, B., Sebe, K. 2019: Thermophilous elements from the late Miocene flora of Pécs-Danitzpuszta (Mecsek Mts, Hungary) – confirmed by cuticular analysis. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(1): 9-17.

Ács, É., Földi, A., Kiss, K. T., Buczkó, K. 2019: The first Hungarian record of a rare Gomphonema (Bacillariophyta) species from temporary ponds. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(1): 19-27.

Papp, B., Erzberger, P., Szurdoki, E., Dragićević, S. 2019: Contributions to the bryophyte flora of the Prokletije Mts, Montenegro. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(1): 29-52.

Nagy, J., Pap-Kovács, A., Erzberger, P. 2019: Bibliography of bryological research in Hungary (1968–2018). - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(1): 53-106.

Wolf, M., Schmidt, D., Vidéki, R., Tiborcz, V., Mesterházy, A. 2019: Hidden on the shore for half a century: actual distribution of Schoenoplectus pungens (Cyperaceae) in Hungary. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(1): 107-120.

Schmotzer, A. 2019: New localities of Eleusine indica (Poaceae) and Phytolacca esculenta (Phytolaccaceae) in Eastern Hungary. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(1): 121-134.

Óvári, M. 2019: Orchids in Zala County (Hungary). - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(1): 135-184.

Rigó, A. 2019: Additions to the Distribution atlas of vascular plants of Hungary. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(1): 185-224.

Molnár, Cs., Csathó, A. I., Molnár, Á. P., Pifkó, D. 2019: Amendments to the alien flora of the Republic of Moldova. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(1): 225-240.

Király, G., Baráth, K., Bauer, N., Erzberger, P., Papp, B., Szűcs, P., Veres, Sz., Barina, Z. 2019: Taxonomical and chorological notes 8 (85–93). - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(1): 241-252.

year: 2019; volume: 50; issue: 2; published in 15.12.2019

Varga, N., Pifkó, D., Kondratyuk, S. Y., Kärnefelt, I., Thell, A. 2019: Hungarian lichenologists – a 60th birthday tribute.. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(2): 261-292.

Pócs, T. 2019: Out of Africa. Acquaintance and joint ventures with Edit Farkas described in an unscholarly way.. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(2): 293-297.

Şenkardeşler, A. 2019: The correct status of “Fragm. typi” introduced by Klára Verseghy. . - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(2): 299-305.

Fačkovcová, Z., Paoli, L. 2019: The lichens of the Krasín Nature Reserve in Biele Karpaty Mts (Western Carpathians, Slovakia). - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(2): 307-316.

Guttová, A., El Mokni, R. 2019: Lichens collected during the 12th “Iter Mediterraneum” in Tunisia (24 March – 4 April, 2014). - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(2): 317-322.

Baráth, K., Erzberger, P. 2019: Heterocladium heteropterum, a new member of the Hungarian bryophyte flora.. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(2): 323-329.

Papp, B., Pantović, J., Nikolić, N., Sabovljević, M. S. 2019: Contributions to the bryophyte flora of Serbia. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(2): 331-346.

Locsmándi, Cs., Kovács, G. 2019: Lysurus cruciatus (Phallaceae, Fungi), a phalloid species new to the Hungarian Basidiomycota. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(2): 347-356.

Wirth, T., Csiky, J. 2019: Occurrence of Dipsacus strigosus (Caprifoliaceae) in Hungary. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(2): 357-364.

Pacsai, B., Szabó, E., Biró, É., Gerencsér, B., Kuczkó, A., Bódis, J. 2019: Some demographic characteristics of Fritillaria meleagris (Liliaceae) in Hungary.. - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(2): 365-378.

Deme, J., Palla, B., Haszonits, Gy., Csiky, J., Baráth, K., Kovács, D., Zurdo Jorda, A., Erzberger, P., Wolf, M., Papp, V., Schmidt, D. 2019: Taxonomical and chorological notes 9 (94–98). - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(2): 379-389.

Király, G., Hohla, M., Süveges, K., Hábenczyus, A. A., Barina, Z., Király, A., Lukács, B. A., Türke, I. J., Takács, A. 2019: Taxonomical and chorological notes 10 (98–110). - Studia botanica hungarica, 50(2): 391-407.